4th July - Basel - the last concert.

Basel stage

The last concert of the tour is in Basel, Switzerland. And, as usual with the Swiss concerts, is organized by [name removed], a wild crazy organizer who seems to be on the edge of having it all spiral out of control but somehow keeps it together. He’s setup a beautiful stage design for the event.

 Good lighting, eh?

The concert is in the Basel Messe, the large exhibition center in the city. It’s a nice place. We find out when we’ve set everything up and need some adjustments to the lights that the light technician quits work at 5pm and has gone home. So I’m left with the job of climbing around on the light gantries getting the lights to point in the right direction and then running the light console during the concert. Which means not so many pictures this time round.

Adi and Raj

Last night madness strikes.

Some of the local wild women.
Lunar eclipse?